Sunday, September 9, 2007

IT645 Chptr 3 What role do educational technologies play in teaching & learning

Educational technologies play a primary role in the teaching and learning of teachers and students in and out of the classroom. Often times, while an instructor is going over a lesson he/she may discover a new approach to an old problem. Using modern technologies allows for a teacher to step back and get a refreshed view to an old lesson. Educational technology is another way of redefining communications. Every tool that we use to learn something new is an educational tool. National Geographic on television is an educational tool. Learning from CourtTV can be considered an educational tool. Although, we may enjoy watching high profile trials, we are still engaged in learning about the judicial system.

If we had a blind student in our classroom, the use of a brail typewriter would be an educational technology. The same can be said for school translators who may use voice recorders for Spanish speaking students. Any technology that helps a person to acquire learning is an educational technology. The special needs young lady in the video was typing out her name and could use the adaptive keyboard to communicate. I am sure that it is easier for her to type a response then to try speaking. What a neat way to allow that student as outlet for her expressions. She is still a part of the general class room, she just has a piece of technology that bridges the learning gap for her.

The attention span of an average person is 13-15 minutes. The time it takes before a commercial comes on television. Without technologies to break up the ordinary lecture and laboratory experience, we would all be asleep (teacher included) before the period was over. It is human nature for the body to be in motion mentally and physically. Motion creates problems for teachers, but I do not think all the Adderall in the world will quiet human nature.

Televisions, DVD’s, computers, guest speakers, special needs adaptive services, class room smart boards are just a few of the ways to make learning fun and enter-active for this modern society. Who would have imaged that everyone would be have telephones the size of a credit card. Educational technology is just a new way to present information not just for the children but for the educators as well. The role of the teacher is becoming more of a facilitator. We will helping students gather information from a variety of sources and help them to make educated inferences. That information will be stored in their brains for retrieval when necessary.

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