Monday, October 15, 2007

ITS-645 Chapter 6 Q3 Problem Solving vs. Brainstorming Tools

Problem solving software is software that involves the student by focusing on creative problem solving methods instead of drill and practice software. Drill and practice software is more of a review and practice form of learning. I think of drill and practice as an assessment tool. Problem solving software allows for critical thinking and challenges the student to make decisions and observe the consequences of those actions. The virtual chemistry lab is a great example of problem solving software. Problem solving software creates scenarios’ that need solutions. Out of x-number of possible solutions a student can make a selection and then evaluate the results of that decision. Students then can go back and adjust the outcome until they are satisfied with the results.

Brainstorming is a creative outlet that requires no right or wrong answer. Brainstorming is searching for ideas and concepts that can be applied to a particular problem or question that needs to be researched. Brainstorming may result in using concept maps to visually be able to see ideas in graphic form. Many visual learners may be able to use brainstorming and concept maps to organize their thought processes before approaching the bigger or larger problem. All solutions to problems start with some form of brainstorming. Brainstorming permits the learner to think in logical and abstract ways about possible solutions.

Both brainstorming and problem solving software are essential tools in the learning process. I think starting off a project with brainstorming is a first level introduction to learning. As a student learns and becomes more familiar with a subject or project, he/she can then test that knowledge by using problem solving software. However, if you have an advanced learner, you may want to challenge that student to use the problem solving method first instead of the brainstorming strategy.

Today’s software has something to offer everyone. Each teacher should walk each piece of software to understand its limits. Doing this will better equip them to help students. Teacher are also learning at this level themselves. All the sciences in school are great outlets for problem solving. Brainstorming software has proven beneficial in the English subject areas. Today’s student must be equipped to not only become an independent learner by using new software but also keep abreast of technology. Keeping abreast of technology is in itself a course in problem solving.


Shannon James-Griffin said...

It is funny to me how they name innovative ways of learning through technology with the old-fashioned methods we use through pen and paper. We "brainstorm" for ideas on a research paper by writing down thoughts and questions we may about a particular topic. We problem solve by working out an algebraic equation time and again until we get the correct result. But the use of technology makes it faster and easier. I am in inclined to think that is not always the best way. Our children today do not take the time to figure things out with patience and hard work. They expect results too quickly. Where is that going to lead us in the future?

Tonya Whitfield said...

I tend to agree with Shannon that technology seems to be simply "revamping" the same sort of learning methods we have been using for years. We're just using technology to do what pen and paper has been doing for ages. While problem solving and brainstorming are very effective, I'm not certain that using technology is honestly any more effective than pen and paper.